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Christian Booklet

The scriptures state that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts (Rom. 5:5). Our Love Out Loud team desires for you to feel like family when you enter the facilities. The goal of this ministry is to orient you to the environment so that you feel at home. Don't be surprised when you experience an impartation of God's love when you connect with this dynamic team.


Prior to our worship service, our intercession team will lead the Body into a time of intercession where we allow God to speak to us individually and corporately. This team has the mind and will of God on their hearts. During intercession, you will experience breakthrough and deliverance as the river of God flows freely among those present.

Image by Jon Tyson
Praise and Hands Raised_edited.jpg

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord (Psa. 150:6). Our prophetic worship team will lead you into the presence of God with the dynamic sound that they release. You will experience a freedom to worship the Lord as this team ushers the Body deeper into the presence of God.


Our media team directs all in-house and social media. This is a team of multi-talented individuals that have a desire to ensure that you experience fellowship with the local Body regardless of physical location.

Sound Equipment
Image by Aaron Burden

Our prophetic presbytery team will release the prophetic word into your life as the Lord leads. This team is utilized by God to give direction and clarity to you about your life and purpose in the earth. 

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